Landscaping Upgrades To Begin
Post date: Jul 15, 2015 12:09:15 PM
Lakeview Ridge will be getting a long overdue makeover in the next week or so. The Board has accepted quotes from Schill Landscaping for mulching, reseeding of areas where trees have been removed and additional tree and shrub cleanup.
The board was not expecting the level of price increases for these services. But, after further research the board was convinced that the quotes were reasonable and our property needed the work.
Accordingly, areas that will be reclaimed and reseeded from previous areas of mulch. will be marked so as not to waste mulch. a brown mulch will be applied to areas not designated for reseeding.
Unlike recent years when the "fronts" and "backs" had mulch applied in alternating years, the entire property will have mulch put down. According to Schill Landscaping and First Realty Property Management Company the mulch will be applied in such a way that it will last for two years.